All I Want For Christmas is Peace on Earth

As we venture through Advent, our 2023 Saint Luke Advent Devotional writers will guide us on a journey of love, hope, peace, and joy, illuminating the true meaning of the season. We will discover that the most significant longings of our hearts are not found in gift-wrapped boxes but are gifts from a loving God. These reflections will inspire and elevate your Advent experience as we reflect together on what we truly want this Christmas.

Today’s reflection is by Marie Lambeck. Marie is a long time Saint Luke member and can be found singing with the choir or teaching our children in Sunday School.


Now the God of peace be with you all.  Amen.” -Romans 15:33

Do you know the song/hymn, “Let There Be Peace on Earth”? Written way back then (1955), it was first introduced in concert by The International Children’s Choir a few years later.  Ever since it has been sung by choirs large and small, professional and impromptu, in places where peace and good will are common, on going expectations.  

I recall my daughter’s elementary school choirs’ offering their lusty performances of its inviting first lines, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I remember too, being among other families and friends as we left the school auditorium, still humming it’s now familiar melody. Years later, I accompanied a group of young people with special needs to a concert that included that musical offering. Together we swayed, waved our hands, laughted out loud to its heart-warming message.  You may have your own memories of …
“Let peace begin with me.
This is the moment now.”

What do I want for Christmas?  Oh yes, a red sweater would be great.  And then there’s the ever lengthening list of “must read” books to be satisfied.  But what do I truly WANT? Check out this song’s message. Sing it along with me and have a Blessed Christmas.

(Be sure to check out yesterday’s At Home Worship as the Saint Luke’s Choir sings “Let There Be Peace on Earth!)

Dear God and Father, In this Holy Season we thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, our Christ.  Amen