Love A Little Louder: Prayer Gathering

How can we love a little louder? This lent, we will gather each week to engage with messages from members about several Saint Luke ministries in which we care for one another and those in our community. As we hear inspiring stories and find out more about how Saint Lukans shout and show God’s love beyond the church walls, we too will be inspired to join the mission to know, love and serve Christ.

This week, Jodi Cunniffe, leader of the Thursday evening Prayer Gathering shares the direct connection between prayer and loving out loud. Enjoy her thoughtful words!


Ever since I was young I remember praying to God amidst all the chaos in my life. As a child prayer is what got me through each and every day. God always showed up for me and I let him into my life. In times of trouble he left me breadcrumbs to follow leading the way to him. The turning point in my life was one day when I was told I couldn't pray.

I grew up Jewish and I had about Mitzvah and I did all the Jewish customs and I had gone to college. When I was at college I walked about two miles to go to a synagogue and I knocked on the door on Rosh Hashanah and they asked me for a ticket. I didn't have one. I just said, “I don't have a ticket. All I want to do is pray.” The door went shut and I had to walk back to my dorm.  The rain started pouring and I got drenched. Then I slipped and fell and when I looked over on the side, there was a pamphlet for a church. And that is how I was introduced to Jesus, by seeing this pamphlet.  After that I went to a different church and I learned that God had my back in that rainstorm and God had my back at my Bat Mitzvah and God had my back through all of the trials and troubles of my childhood- everything that happened to me. I trusted again.

One of these breadcrumbs moments (I call them breadcrumb moments because I feel like God like drops them for me and I picked them up and I follow) was what led me to Saint Luke and to the Prayer Gathering. I found Saint Luke after watching an episode of Queer Eye with my daughter, Tara that featured Pastor Noah. I was like, “wow that's a really cool church and maybe I should find one, so I went around looking for one. It was right around the pandemic so everything was online and where I was going to church wasn't online and I wasn't comfortable going indoors. I was in need of some serious, serious prayer during the pandemic because I had to work and to be with people, like a first responder type of person, and so I started following Saint Luke online on Sundays. And then I saw about the Prayer Gathering and God showed up in a big way, because the first person that I really talked to at this church was Pastor Sue. It was online and it was the night before her second stroke. I thought nobody’s going to be on 15 minutes early but I got on and she was there and she got me through something before that Prayer Gathering ever started! I kept coming back and I introduced myself and she said I was always welcome to join the Prayer Gathering. She prayed for me and she prayed with me, with the group and I was calm and I had peace in my heart. Then I met Pastor Mary who led the Prayer Gathering until her retirement.

After, Pastor Matt and Pastor Mary graciously asked me if I would take over facilitating the group and I prayed about it and then I said yes. My hope is that our Prayer Gathering is a sacred space for people to pray but also receive prayer.  My hope is that anybody can show up at any time and we're there for you. There's about six of us all together that are there week in and week out, but we would love more people to come even if it's just one time because you need us, because we can help you, and we want to help you and God loves you and we love God and it's all about a big puddle of love in our little group. There's a lot of joy. There's crying. It’s a great group that we have and we would love for you to join and for us to pray together.


As we reflect on the lessons tonight we see that praying is really, really difficult for the disciples. They are having difficulty staying awake. We’re like that too. Jesus was distressed. The angel from heaven appeared and gave Jesus strength to go on to pray. It’s hard for him.  Again, God showed up. it is refreshing to see the humanness of Jesus and the disciples. There is pain, anger, sorrow, and exhaustion in this story. I believe that disciples fell asleep not because they wanted to but almost as a defense mechanism to deal with the sheer enormity of their emotions and kind of knowing what was going to happen. Maybe that was God giving them rest for what was to come. God knows what we need and cares deeply for us. James shows us that prayer is important in times of sickness and in joy. In addition, James points out that prayer is effective.

In my opinion prayer is love. The people of Saint Luke have loved me well. When I prayed for a loving and welcoming church,  Saint Luke was there. When I prayed that Tara and I would find a way to support people in need, we were blessed to help Chase and Pastor Sue with their dog Becks that first Summer of the pandemic. I prayed for connection for Tara with people from all ages and she was blessed with lovely conversations with a lovely senior, June during Beck's walks.  They would talk for hours and she would tell me how great it was.  When not one but two of Tara's dear friends were shot and murdered in Philadelphia, Saint Luke was there for us in prayer and love.  The care packages made for all Tara’s friends were a prayer of healing. Prayer to me is about loving all of humanity regardless of the circumstances. Ringing those bells on All Saints Day for one of Tara’s friends was such a blessing, a prayer straight up to God. It was amazing!

My fondest memory of prayer was the blessing after I read the Torah at my bat mitzvah. It was the one time where I could be up there with the rabbi all by myself. He looked me in the eye with his hands on my shoulders in front of the Ark and said, “I give this prayer to you: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”   Peace be with you, friends.



It can be challenging at times to see God at work in our lives or to notice when God does answer our prayers, but we know that God is always up to something good. Take some time to look around for the breadcrumbs in your life where God may be leading you back to himself.



Can’t seem to find the words? Try shifting your focus. Sometimes praying for others can be easier than praying for yourself. Swap requests with a friend or pass along your requests to us and we are happy to help bear your burden, while you talk to God about other needs in the world. Perhaps you don’t talk at all. Prayer can be expressed in a variety of ways. Consider incorporating movement such as walking or a labyrinth to your times of prayer. Music or art could be a helpful tool to calm your heart and focus your mind. Even our breath can guide our prayers as we inhale God’s love and exhale the cares and concerns within us.



Tune in any Thursday from anywhere to join our online Prayer Gathering. All are welcome. No exceptions. Check out our calendar each week for links to join us online. There is comfort in praying with others. Come experience God’s love with us.


Lord, you hear our prayers. You know our prayers even when we cannot manage to pray. Lead us to you and teach us to share our hearts with you. Amen.